Napp Ajaccio is a digital tool to accompany the discovery of the Napoleonic heritage of the city ofAjaccio, birthplace of the emperor Napoleon I.The App drives you on Napoleon’s footsteps and through the places of his childhood and to the sitesand testimonies that the city of Ajaccio has dedicated to its most famous citizen.It offers a «Map» modality that works like a GPS and a compass modality (Napocompass) thatallows a freer stroll while telling you the site closest to your location. Finally, it also allows tofollow the route of the marking on the ground present in the city and indicated by golden arrows.Napp Ajaccio has been developed in the context of the project GrITAccess or Grand TyrrhenianAccessible. The project is the result of the collaboration of 14 partners from the 5 regions of thetransboundary space, most of them have already collaborated on previous programming projectssuch as Itercost, For Access, Bonesprit, Arcipelago Mediterraneo and Accessit. Its objective is toinitiate the implementation of various forms of the cultural heritage of this large territory within theframework of local thematic routes and routes within a large cross-border route, for thedevelopment of tourism which makes the cultural heritage accessible to the greatest number andwhich enhances it economically.GrITAccess project has been financed by the Interreg Italy-France Maritime Program 2014-2020 isa cross-border program co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) withinthe framework of the European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) objective.It aims to achieve the objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable, and inclusivegrowth in the Maritime Italy-France border area. The Program takes into account the problems ofmarine, coastal and island areas, but also focuses on enhancing the value of internal areas andresponding to problems related to their isolation.